
I am not to sure what this is called so i just called it text converstion.

In chatters for example when you type :-) it comes out as a smiling face.

What i want to do is: when the user types a and presses enter a % comes in the browser thing.

thanks(if you understood what i am trying to get at)
findtext() is what you want. :)
In response to Jnco904
Have you seen any encryptors? I am trying to make one of those, but am failing.


a = !
b = £
c = $


If i enter: acb i will get !$£ come in the browser, if i enter !£$ i will get abc in the browser, no matter how u put the letters or symbols i still get the symbol for the right letter or the letter for the right symbol.
In response to Mousie_kebabs
If you want a proper encryption system, there are a couple around - try searching the hub.