#include // Must Have Deadrons character handling im to lazy to code a whole login, but ill have one in the next version.
client/base_num_characters_allowed = 3
mob = /mob/create_character
var/charactername = input("Please choose a name.","New Character",src.key)
src << "You are required to have a name."
goto NameStart
switch(input("Please choose a race.","New Character?") in list("Tea","Vec","Latu","Cor","Cenex"))
switch(input("Please choose a class.","New Character?") in list("Super","Hero","Warrior","Monster","Hydra","Griffon","W iz"))
if ("Tea")
character = new /mob/characters/tea()
if ("Vec")
character = new /mob/characters/vec()
if ("Latu")
character = new /mob/characters/latu()
if ("Cor")
character = new /mob/characters/cor()
if ("Cenex")
character = new /mob/characters/cenex()
character.name = charactername
src.client.mob = character
density = 1
density = 1
density = 1
density = 1
density = 1
I do not know how to make it so that, well say they pick Latu than Hero, I want their stats to be different.
Hero: Str: 5 Spd: 3
Super: Spd: 6 Str: 2
Stuff like that, but I get this warning:
Login.dm:14::warning: empty switch statement
which isn't the problem I need to know how to seperate the races while the classes aswell.
![]() Oct 15 2003, 6:03 pm
Shiba Arai wrote:
Previous message, answer questions please. What exactly do you mean by a "roleplay" command? Do you mean something like an emote? And I am working on an RP and I want it so when people log in they are sent to a room called Main and a command called enter and a list that comes up with home and some other rooms and they click on it and are redirected to that room. Also how can I have only people in that room hear each other. Also how can I set a limit for users per room, like 5 people allowed in each room.]Make a map and set client.view to -1. (I'm assuming this is text-only.) Also, be sure to make all directional functions (North(), South(), ect..) return instead of doing their default actions. In your enter command, check to see what rooms are adjacent (make rooms 1 tile on the map). When they try to move, do a: var/players=0 And to make people only hear those nearby, do this: for(var/mob/M in loc) Thank You!!!!!! No prob. |
I don't want to make a map. Yes an emote command. I don't want anything to do with a map.
Something like this: area var/area north_exit south_exit east_exit west_exit Entered() usr << name return ..() Castle Main_Gate north_exit = .Castle_Entryway south_exit = .Moat_Bridge Castle_Entryway south_exit = .Main_Gate Moat_Bridge north_exit = .Main_Gate south_exit = .Village/Guard_Post Village Guard_Post north_exit = .Castle/Moat_Bridge south_exit = .Square Square north_exit = .Guard_Post //handle movement client/Move(Dest,Dir) var/area/room = usr.loc if(istype(room)) //in a room switch(Dir) if(NORTH) Dest = room.north_exit if(SOUTH) Dest = room.south_exit if(EAST) Dest = room.east_exit if(WEST) Dest = room.west_exit return ..() //set the starting position for new logins mob/Login() if(!loc) Move(locate(/area/Castle/Main_Gate)) return ..() except a command called enter instead of arrow directions. Also I do not like that, its a disfunctional code. |
To make an emote, simply do this:
mob/verb/emote(msg as text) group_of_people<<"[name] [msg]" As for the locations in your game, either you have to have a map or do some serious old-fasioned programming which would be more difficult and time consuming. If you really do not want a map then you need to change everything, like that Entered() you have there, to work totally different than you do. I have to go now and don't have the time, but tomarrow I will reply to this and write up a lengthy post about text games and not using the map. Something like you want to do. |
Please help me on this subject. I simply need to know how to have a command called Enter which brings up a list that asks them what room to go to. Like in Chatters. That exact room. Also a command that only the host gets called start RP where they start the RPing and the users in that ceratin room cannot use the say command. Also if they are in the Home room, the host cannot use the start Rp command and users cannot use the RP command.
Hopefully that made snse and please help me, I am in need. Thank you. Also if the RP has already started in a room and some tries to join, they are denied and are kept in their current room. |
Oh. I have come to make the reply I promised, but I find this. Now what I think you want is not what I thought you wanted before. This will be much easier.
var/global/list/rooms=list()//list the room names here There is a quick example. I think you can get the idea from that. |
occupants room var/global/list/rooms=list()//list the room names here world New() ..() for(var/room in global.rooms) global.rooms[room]=list() client var/room New() ..() room="Main" global.rooms[room]+=mob verb/Enter() var/new_room=input("Enter which room?","Enter")in global.rooms var/list/occupants=global.rooms[room] if(occupants>5) src<<"That room is full." return occupants<<"[key] has left this room." occupants-=mob room=new_room occupants=global.rooms[room] occupants+=mob occupants<<"[key] has entered this room." mob/verb/emote(msg as text) occupants<<"[name] [msg]" Rooms.dm:11:error:room:undefined var global.rooms[room]=list() (where error takes me) |
Shiba Arai wrote:
var/global/list/rooms=list()//list the room names here You need to indent that line in. > New() [edit] I see other things that will cause problems too. If that is because I did the same thing in my example, sorry. It was just some quick code typed up as an example to get you in the right direction, not for exact copying. mob/var There, that version should actually be copy/pastable. |
I got all of that finished, now please help me on this:
#include <deadron/characterhandling> // Must Have Deadrons character handling im to lazy to code a whole login, but ill have one in the next version. client/base_num_characters_allowed = 3 world mob = /mob/create_character mob/create_character var/mob/character Login() NameStart var/charactername = input("Please choose a name.","New Character",src.key) if(!charactername) src << "You are required to have a name." goto NameStart switch(input("Please choose a race.","New Character?") in list("Tea","Vec","Latu","Cor","Cenex")) switch(input("Please choose a class.","New Character?") in list("Super","Hero","Warrior","Monster","Hydra","Griffon","W iz")) if ("Tea") character = new /mob/characters/tea() if ("Vec") character = new /mob/characters/vec() if ("Latu") character = new /mob/characters/latu() if ("Cor") character = new /mob/characters/cor() if ("Cenex") character = new /mob/characters/cenex() character.name = charactername src.client.mob = character del(src) ..() mob/characters/tea icon='charas.dmi' density = 1 mob/characters/vec icon='charas.dmi' density = 1 mob/characters/latu icon='charas.dmi' density = 1 mob/characters/cor icon='charas.dmi' density = 1 mob/characters/cenex icon='charas.dmi' density = 1 I do not know how to make it so that, well say they pick Latu than Hero, I want their stats to be different. ex: Hero: Str: 5 Spd: 3 Super: Spd: 6 Str: 2 Stuff like that, but I get this warning: Login.dm:14::warning: empty switch statement which isn't the problem I need to know how to seperate the races while the classes aswell. |
First of all, you are going to have problems with your room entering code since you seem to have copy/pasted my example just how I put it. It was only meant as an example, and was buggy since I just banged it out quick to get you on the right path. Since you used that exact code, you need to change it. Check out my reply before this one, I edited it with the fix.
Shiba Arai wrote: switch(input("Please choose a race.","New Character?") in list("Tea","Vec","Latu","Cor","Cenex")) You get that error about the switch because of the class-selection switch there. You jump right into the next switch without having anything for the first one. If you mearly want to set the character's race without doing anything based on it, then do something like: race=input("Please choose a race.","New Character?") in list("Tea","Vec","Latu","Cor","Cenex") (Of coarse, you will need to define a race variable for the character if you have not allready done so.) |
#include <deadron/characterhandling> // Must Have Deadrons character handling im to lazy to code a whole login, but ill have one in the next version. client/base_num_characters_allowed = 3 world mob = /mob/create_character mob/create_character var/mob/character Login() NameStart var/charactername = input("Please choose a name.","New Character",src.key) if(!charactername) src << "You are required to have a name." goto NameStart race=input("Please choose a race.","New Character?") in list("Gui") race=input("Please choose a class.","New Character?") in list("Fighter") if ("Gui") character = new /mob/characters/gui() character.name = charactername src.client.mob = character del(src) ..() mob/characters/gui icon='charas.dmi' density = 1 Login.dm:14:error:list:undefined proc Login.dm:15:error::invalid expression |
Shiba, you need to tell us where line 14 and 15 are, since you did not provide line numbers in the output
How do you have a RolePlay command?
And I am working on an RP and I want it so when people log in they are sent to a room called Main and a command called enter and a list that comes up with home and some other rooms and they click on it and are redirected to that room. Also how can I have only people in that room hear each other. Also how can I set a limit for users per room, like 5 people allowed in each room.]
Thank You!!!!!!