Well i know i shouldnt really start coding only been on byond 3-4 days carn't remember and i wanna make a RPG sorta game and i was wondering if someone could find/make a Tutorials with these things (Its Like a Ninja sorta thingo)

Stealth-: Where they can go Invisible (Still See able to Advaced to Level 3 of it)
Skill points-: when They level up they get point and able to put on there skillz
Battle System-:Random when they leave a town then they can fight monsterz ect ect
On Picture Login Screen-:Cuase it lookz cool ^.^
Diffent Sort Of attacks-:Jump Kick,Judo Chop and so on
Custom Attack:-Custom Attack able to get and able to spend remaining point on Power Strike of it or defence (depends what type)
Admin/GM-: to keep the game in order to stop bad people

thats the codes done now onto the worst part ICONSso yeah

I need a Male & Female icon (Just skin with white shorts)
And thats it

so thats about it thank you in advance
P.S Sorry For Any spelling errors

u can find a begginers tutorial somewhere in the demo sections
In response to ZDarkGoku
Or, he can just click here for a list of tutorials =).

In response to Camaro
Ok i got most of the coding done thx for the link ^.^ but the icon thingo is still a problem and the Login Screen any help there..?

In response to SS3_Omega
SS3_Omega wrote:
Ok i got most of the coding done thx for the link ^.^ but the icon thingo is still a problem and the Login Screen any help there..?


Try Searching for it and with the icons try making them yourself or find some
