Aug 31 2003, 1:54 pm
I've tried and tried but I can't make a Yu-Gi-Oh! deck-building sytem!! I can make the rest but I can't make the cards attack each other for the right position.
Aug 31 2003, 3:59 pm
Im not too sure what you mean. Could you explain in a little more detail.
In response to DarkView
Okay. I thought you was gonna make fun of me like everybody else does but anyway,I want the monsters to have the ATK and DEF, and when a monster attacks a DEF position monster, the ATK of the attacking monster has to be higher than the DEF of the monster being attacked. And how to make the cards with an ATK/DEF.
In response to Lil'T
Ok, so you want to have attack mode and defend mode.
This is pretty simple. You just have to give all monster cards a variable, var/mode. Now you can either set it to "Attack" or "Defend", or 0 or 1 (Where 0 is attack and 1 is defend). Now in your attack code you need a basic if() proc. if(card.mode == "Attack"), do the calculations based on that. Then add a "else" after that stuff, and do the calculations again, but based on the card being in defence mode. Anyway, I recommend you dont make a Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Monsters game, instead make your own one using similar rules. Duel Monsters is a pretty complex game once you add all the differnt card types, and a lot of people would prefere to play a non-Yu-Gi-Oh card game (Since BuzzyBoy already released a good one). You could make a very interesting RPG if the battle system was a card game instead of life or death combat. |
In response to DarkView
Well if I can make an NPC-Dueling system, I'll have many NPCs to battle and stuff. But thanks anyway.
In response to Lil'T
Just a warning, Dueling AI will be very hard. It has to take into account what cards are in its deck, the odds of drawing a particular card, any tactics its opponent could be using, any tactics that it should be using, the list goes on.
In response to DarkView
Erm...what did you just mean?
In response to Lil'T
You said you wanted NPC's that can duel. I just wanted to warn you that it will be very hard to make a NPC that can actually duel (You could always just have one that plays random cards, but it wouldnt be a challange for players to beat it).
In response to DarkView
Oh, I see what you mean. Thanks.