the mob/slime bumps into the mob

the mob/slime goes back to the start but that is not right the mob should go back to the start

can some one help please



it ok i fixed all on my own

but thanks anyway
Im not quite sure what your message is asking (to me it seems sketchy) but I think I know so here I go.

//all the other stuff
if(M.client)//cant use istype not sure what you player paths are
M.loc = locate(1,1,1)//this move M, not sure what you meant by start but this will move M to a location

If that isnt what you mean, try being more specific or post your code.

<font color = red>Rifthaven
In response to Rifthaven
You need if(istype(M)) before the if(M.client), or you'll get errors if they bump into objs or turfs.
In response to Garthor
Yeah that would make sense, I generaly use if(istype(M,/mob/usr)) but didnt think to use if(istype(M)). Ill have to remember that for future game making.