Uhm, I was doing some coding, and when I compiled and went to run it, I saw my character in the middle of all blackness. I cut out some of the code I was working on and compiled and ran it to see if that would fix it and it didn't do anything. I know it's the same map because I took a step and counted 40 times, and the map's x and y is 40, so it almost seems like everything just dissapeared. I reset the starting location to the inside of an item shop, and when I ran it, I was in the item shop, and everything inside was normal as it was. And when I stepped out of the item shop, I was back into the blackness. And when I check the .dmp inside Dream Maker, it looks exactly the way it should.. Like, without all the blackness. Does anyone have an idea as to what this could be? Help would be appreciated.. Thanks..
Its possible that some of your icons may have become corrupt, somehow. I don't have any idea what causes it, but it happened to me on a project I was working on a long time ago.

Try tampering with the offending icons and see if it makes any difference.
In response to Foomer
I'm praying to god you didn't scrap that entire project you were working on..
In response to Rockin' Eli
No, I had all the icons on image files and I just deleted the corrupt icon(s) and replaced them.
In response to Foomer
How did you find out which ones were corrupted? Did you do some kind of a guess and check? Did you have an imagecorrupt checker?
In response to Rockin' Eli
If it's just outside areas that are black, then all your outside turf icons (grass etc.) are probably corrupt. Anything that's black but shouldn't be.