Hi. I think it was Darkview that told me to enlarge icons it'd be best to use Adobe ImageReady, I think it was called, but since I don't wanna pay for it, I was wondering if anyone could tell me of another program that can do a good job at it. I have Paint Shop Pro, and I imagine that would do the job just fine, but even though I played in the resize window, I couldn't do because I'm a stupid newbie.
Can anyone tell me of a good program I could get my hands on, or maybe how to use the resize function of Paint Shop Pro correctly? Thanks a lot.
Jul 26 2003, 10:03 pm
In response to Mertek
Hm, thanks Mertek, I got it, and I saw the width and height thing, but when I enlarge the percent, the box that the smaller icon was in is still there, so I'm only seeing that small part. Is there a way I can see the whole enlarged icon and not just the little box? Thanks.
Select a portion or all of the picture, and then go to Edit > Transform > Scale. At the top of the screen, there should be a few fields you can change. Two of them will be "W:" and "H:" with "100.0%" next to them. Change those to another percentage to scale them that large or that small, and then click the little checkmark to the right. All done!