Hi. I think it was Darkview that told me to enlarge icons it'd be best to use Adobe ImageReady, I think it was called, but since I don't wanna pay for it, I was wondering if anyone could tell me of another program that can do a good job at it. I have Paint Shop Pro, and I imagine that would do the job just fine, but even though I played in the resize window, I couldn't do because I'm a stupid newbie.

Can anyone tell me of a good program I could get my hands on, or maybe how to use the resize function of Paint Shop Pro correctly? Thanks a lot.
Photoshop has a nice resize/scale function. To use it:

Select a portion or all of the picture, and then go to Edit > Transform > Scale. At the top of the screen, there should be a few fields you can change. Two of them will be "W:" and "H:" with "100.0%" next to them. Change those to another percentage to scale them that large or that small, and then click the little checkmark to the right. All done!
In response to Mertek
Hm, thanks Mertek, I got it, and I saw the width and height thing, but when I enlarge the percent, the box that the smaller icon was in is still there, so I'm only seeing that small part. Is there a way I can see the whole enlarged icon and not just the little box? Thanks.