While the rest of the map can be free to walk around on? I took screens of the town, and then I started putting them into place on the map, but then I realized that I'll just be walking all over everything, even the houses and stuff that shouldn't be walked on. Is there a way to make certain things in a map dense while others have no density? Would that have something to do with layering? Thanks a lot.
Your putting pictues on your map making one big map? Weird...Your probably going to have to make invisible mobs/objs and make their density = 1 then set the invisible spot over dense areas
In response to Koolguy900095
If the way I thought I was doing it was weird, what would the sensible thing to do?
In response to Rockin' Eli
Just do it the way you want im just saying..I would never take pictures of a map then plant them on a .dmi to make a map. But if it YOUR game not mine.
In response to Koolguy900095
Well, what I was doing was turning them into .pngs and then I was just slippin' 'em on the map after putting them in the enviroment's folder. But, uh.. Yeah, thanks.