Im needing to figure a way to replace certain words in text and am quite stuck =p. *not language filter*

Lets say for instance I want to replace the sigh @ when people speak.. How can I do this and/or wich libary would suit me best in doing this?
Is this a newbie question. Seems pretty complicated.
In response to Blades
Any question related to DM that is not asking for help with a broken piece of code belongs in here.
I have figured out how to to it with the deadron lib but Ive ran into another problem
set category= "Host"
browser = input("What to browse?","Browser input",browser) as message
var/search_string = {"

var/replacement = "<br>"
var/sanitized_text = dd_replacetext(browser, search_string, replacement)

search_string = "/n"
sanitized_text = dd_replacetext(sanitized_text, search_string, replacement)

world << browse("[sanitized_text]")

I was wanting to replace the the spaceing down with <br> so It would show up on the browser as spaced down words, But it wont seem to replace the {"
In response to Green Lemon
You need to learn about text macros. =)

var/search_string = "\n"

\n is a line break. You can see the rest of the text macros by looking up "macros (text)" in the Dream Maker help.