![]() Jun 9 2003, 9:52 pm
I have where my game saves and can be open on any server.... and I have where people can move their HUDs to any place they want..... so I'm trying to simply (I hope it is simple) save the HUD and it's location... any takers?
![]() Jun 10 2003, 12:56 am
Loop through all the HUD objects in client.screen and stick them in the savefile. Then load them back out again when you load the savefile.
runtime error: type mismatch
proc name: Save (/obj/SavePoint2/verb/Action) usr: Shy_guy197 (/mob/characters/Chrono) src: SavePoint2 (/obj/SavePoint2) call stack: SavePoint2 (/obj/SavePoint2): Save() is what I get... and I do this for(var/T in usr.client.screen) usr.SaveHUD+=T if I delete that I get no error.... |
I would make a var called hudsayx ,hudsayy and hudsayz and every time you move your Say button change the var to the location, like a regular mob location save proc just withut the read and write stuff. So when you log in if they open a file insted of moving it to regular place make a proc that moves it to the last place they had it.