I have where my game saves and can be open on any server.... and I have where people can move their HUDs to any place they want..... so I'm trying to simply (I hope it is simple) save the HUD and it's location... any takers?
Loop through all the HUD objects in client.screen and stick them in the savefile. Then load them back out again when you load the savefile.
In response to Crispy
runtime error: type mismatch
proc name: Save (/obj/SavePoint2/verb/Action)
usr: Shy_guy197 (/mob/characters/Chrono)
src: SavePoint2 (/obj/SavePoint2)
call stack:
SavePoint2 (/obj/SavePoint2): Save()

is what I get... and I do this

for(var/T in usr.client.screen)
if I delete that I get no error....
In response to Shy_guy197
What kind of var is usr.SaveHUD?

And you probably want to define T as an obj (var/obj/T).
I would make a var called hudsayx ,hudsayy and hudsayz and every time you move your Say button change the var to the location, like a regular mob location save proc just withut the read and write stuff. So when you log in if they open a file insted of moving it to regular place make a proc that moves it to the last place they had it.