//This is a test world created by Nick on 6/3/03. mob icon = 'person.dmi' //make it so all mobs will be created with the person icon say(msg as text) //what the usr says is passed into "msg" as text world << "[usr]: [msg]" //the world sees chatroom-like output mob var Max_HP = 30 //define a new variable called HP, with a value of 30 maxexp = 50 level = 1 exp maxHP str HP gold defense proc Statup() mob var/age Login() age = input("How old are you?","Create Character") as num mob/verb/who() src << "Players:" for (var/client/C) //Loops through all clients (not mobs, because then you'd get NPCs too) src << C.key //Tell the player the key of everyone in the game mob/Stat() stat("Stats:",src.desc) if(src == usr) statpanel("Inventory",src.contents) //If the src is that of a usr (PC), then make a statpanel displaying the usrs contents(Inventory), and call it "Inventory" stat(" HP: ","[HP]/[Max_HP]") //It makes it easier to read if you put a bunch of spaces like that. stat(" Strength: ",strength) stat(" Experience","[exp]/[maxexp]") stat(" Mine: ",exp) stat(" Level: ",level) Login() icon_state = gender //when a player logs in, get them the right icon state for ..() //the gender of their key. Then call the parent! mob/proc/Save_Character() var savefile/F = new() saved_x saved_y saved_z Write() var saved_x = x saved_y = y saved_z = z client.Export(F) src << "[src.name] saved." mob/PC/verb/Save() set category = "Communication" src.Save_Character() mob Levelup() if(src.exp>=src.maxexp)//If your exp var equals, or passes your maxexp var src.level++//Add to your level src.exp=0//resets your exp to 0 src.maxexp*=2//makes your maxexp double world << "[usr] gained a level!" src.Statup() else ..()//defaults if the if() doesn't return it's arguments mob proc Statup() src.Max_HP+=20//adds to your health src.HP=src.Max_HP src<<"Your stats increase!" mob var sr = 0 mob/monsters var/mob/characters/P New() .=..() spawn(1) Wander() proc/Wander() while(src) if (P in oview(3)) step_towards(src,P) for(P in view(src)) break sleep(5) spawn(40) Wander() Bump(mob/M) if (istype(M,/mob/characters)) Attack(M) proc/Attack(mob/M) var/damage = rand(1,str) if(usr.str - M.defense > 0) M.HP -= usr.str - M.defense view(src) << "[src] Attacks [M] For ([damage])!" M.DeathCheck() M << "[src] Bounces off you!" usr << "You Bounce off [M]" Wolf // very first monster, just make more for more monster that you want. icon = 'monsters.dmi' icon_state = "wolf" name = "Wolf" str = 12 HP =20 maxHP = 20 defense = 4 gold = 1 exp = 3 ll = 1 mob/monstersai var/mob/characters/P New() .=..() spawn(1) Wander() proc/Wander() while(src) if (P in oview(4)) step_towards(src,P) for(P in view(src)) break sleep(5) spawn(40) Wander() Bump(mob/M) if (istype(M,/mob/characters)) Attack(M) proc/Attack(mob/M) var/damage = rand(1,str) if(usr.str - M.defense > 0) M.HP -= usr.str - M.defense view(src) << "[src] Attacks [M] For ([damage])!" M.DeathCheck() M << "[src] Bounces off you!" usr << "You Bounce off [M]" DarkWolf1 // very first monster, just make more for more monster that you want. icon = 'monsters.dmi' icon_state = "dark wolf" name = "Dark Wolf" str = 14 HP =35 maxHP = 35 defense = 4 gold = 2 exp = 4 ll = 1 mob/monsterspt var/mob/characters/P New() .=..() spawn(1) Wander() proc/Wander() while(src) if (P in oview(5)) step_towards(src,P) for(P in view(src)) break sleep(5) spawn(40) Wander() Bump(mob/M) if (istype(M,/mob/characters)) Attack(M) proc/Attack(mob/M) var/damage = rand(1,str) if(usr.str - M.defense > 0) M.HP -= usr.str - M.defense view(src) << "[src] Attacks [M] For ([damage])!" M.DeathCheck() M << "[src] Bounces off you!" usr << "You Bounce off [M]" Ghost // very first monster, just make more for more monster that you want. icon = 'monsters.dmi' icon_state = "Ghost" name = "Ghost" str = 19 HP =40 maxHP = 40 defense = 7 gold = 3 exp = 5 ll = 1 Skeletion icon = 'monsters.dmi' icon_state = "Skele" name = "Skeletion" str = 21 HP =45 maxHP = 45 defense = 9 gold = 3 exp = 6 ll = 1 mob/monsters4 var/mob/characters/P New() .=..() spawn(1) Wander() proc/Wander() while(src) if (P in oview(6)) step_towards(src,P) for(P in view(src)) break sleep(5) spawn(40) Wander() Bump(mob/M) if (istype(M,/mob/characters)) Attack(M) proc/Attack(mob/M) var/damage = rand(1,str) if(usr.str - M.defense > 0) M.HP -= usr.str - M.defense view(src) << "[src] Attacks [M] For ([damage])!" M.DeathCheck() M << "[src] Bounces off you!" usr << "You Bounce off [M]" SkeletionM icon = 'monsters.dmi' icon_state = "Skelem" name = "Skeletion Commander" str = 23 HP =55 maxHP = 55 defense = 11 gold = 4 exp = 7 ll = 1 mob/monsters5 var/mob/characters/P New() .=..() spawn(1) Wander() proc/Wander() while(src) if (P in oview(7)) step_towards(src,P) for(P in view(src)) break sleep(5) spawn(40) Wander() Bump(mob/M) if (istype(M,/mob/characters)) Attack(M) proc/Attack(mob/M) var/damage = rand(1,str) if(usr.str - M.defense > 0) M.HP -= usr.str - M.defense view(src) << "[src] Attacks [M] For ([damage])!" M.DeathCheck() M << "[src] Bounces off you!" usr << "You Bounce off [M]" MUMMY icon = 'monsters.dmi' icon_state = "mum" name = "mummy" str = 25 HP =60 maxHP = 60 defense = 12 gold = 4 exp = 8 ll = 1 Spider icon = 'monsters.dmi' icon_state = "spider" name = "Spider" str = 24 HP =60 maxHP = 60 defense = 12 gold = 4 exp = 9 ll = 1 mob/monsters6 var/mob/characters/P New() .=..() spawn(1) Wander() proc/Wander() while(src) if (P in oview(8)) step_towards(src,P) for(P in view(src)) break sleep(5) spawn(40) Wander() Bump(mob/M) if (istype(M,/mob/characters)) Attack(M) proc/Attack(mob/M) var/damage = rand(1,str) if(usr.str - M.defense > 0) M.HP -= usr.str - M.defense view(src) << "[src] Attacks [M] For ([damage])!" M.DeathCheck() M << "[src] Bounces off you!" usr << "You Bounce off [M]" Shadow icon = 'monsters.dmi' icon_state = "Shadow" name = "Shadow" str = 24 HP =70 maxHP = 70 defense = 14 gold = 5 exp = 10 Deamon icon = 'monsters.dmi' icon_state = "dem" name = "Deamon" str = 88 HP =175 maxHP = 175 defense = 89 gold = 500 exp = 21 ll = 1 Deamon2 icon = 'monsters.dmi' icon_state = "half" name = "Half-Deamon" str = 88 HP =200 maxHP = 200 defense = 90 gold = 500 exp = 21 ll = 1 obj/projectile var/rangeleft //How much further this projectile can move Move(NewLoc) var/OldLoc=loc .=..() if (. && (OldLoc in range(1,src))) //If the move was successful, and it was an adjacent move src.rangeleft-- //Decrease a var that stores how much further the projectile can move if (src.rangeleft<=0) //If it can't move any more... del src //...delete it obj gold icon = 'gold.dmi' var amount wealth = 50 //define a new variable called HP, with a value of 30 verb get() //obj/gold/verb/get() set src in view(1) //src must be close usr<< "You pick up [amount] gold. Your wealth is now [wealth]" usr.wealth += amount //add to usr.wealth del(src) //delete the gold turf grass icon = 'grass.dmi' //makes the "land" turf have a land icon mountain density = 1 //can't walk through mountains icon = 'mountain.dmi' //mountain icon for this one world //set one of our world's characteristics: turf = /turf/grass //its default turf is the grass turf.
Death Arena.dm:50:error:saved_x :duplicate definition
Death Arena.dm:44:error:saved_x :previous definition
Death Arena.dm:51:error:saved_y :duplicate definition
Death Arena.dm:45:error:saved_y :previous definition
Death Arena.dm:52:error:saved_z :duplicate definition
Death Arena.dm:46:error:saved_z :previous definition
Death Arena.dm:32:error:strength:undefined var
Death Arena.dm:60:error:Levelup :undefined proc
Death Arena.dm:89:error:P:undefined type: P
Death Arena.dm:90:error:P:undefined type: P
Death Arena.dm:93:error:P:undefined type: P
Death Arena.dm:99:error:/mob/characters:undefined type path
Death Arena.dm:121:error:ll:undefined var
Death Arena.dm:136:error:P:undefined type: P
Death Arena.dm:137:error:P:undefined type: P
Death Arena.dm:140:error:P:undefined type: P
Death Arena.dm:146:error:/mob/characters:undefined type path
Death Arena.dm:167:error:ll:undefined var
Death Arena.dm:181:error:P:undefined type: P
Death Arena.dm:182:error:P:undefined type: P
Death Arena.dm:185:error:P:undefined type: P
Death Arena.dm:191:error:/mob/characters:undefined type path
Death Arena.dm:212:error:ll:undefined var
Death Arena.dm:223:error:ll:undefined var
Death Arena.dm:235:error:P:undefined type: P
Death Arena.dm:236:error:P:undefined type: P
Death Arena.dm:239:error:P:undefined type: P
Death Arena.dm:245:error:/mob/characters:undefined type path
Death Arena.dm:266:error:ll:undefined var
Death Arena.dm:276:error:P:undefined type: P
Death Arena.dm:277:error:P:undefined type: P
Death Arena.dm:280:error:P:undefined type: P
Death Arena.dm:286:error:/mob/characters:undefined type path
Death Arena.dm:307:error:ll:undefined var
Death Arena.dm:318:error:ll:undefined var
Death Arena.dm:327:error:P:undefined type: P
Death Arena.dm:328:error:P:undefined type: P
Death Arena.dm:331:error:P:undefined type: P
Death Arena.dm:337:error:/mob/characters:undefined type path
Death Arena.dm:371:error:ll:undefined var
Death Arena.dm:384:error:ll:undefined var
Death Arena.dm:38:error:icon_state:undefined var
Death Arena.dm:38:error:gender:undefined var
Death Arena.dm:408:error:view :unexpected 'in' expression
Death Arena.dm:409:error:text "You pick up [] gold. Your wealth is now []":bad variable definition
Death Arena.dm:409:error:usr:bad variable definition
Death Arena.dm:410:error:usr.wealth:undefined var
Death Arena.dm:410:error:amount:bad variable definition
Death Arena.dm:411:error:src:bad variable definition
Death Arena.dm:411:error:del :invalid variable name: reserved word
Death Arena.dm:71:error:Statup :duplicate definition
Death Arena.dm:19:error:Statup :previous definition
Death Arena.dm:106:error:M.DeathCheck:undefined proc
Death Arena.dm:153:error:M.DeathCheck:undefined proc
Death Arena.dm:198:error:M.DeathCheck:undefined proc
Death Arena.dm:252:error:M.DeathCheck:undefined proc
Death Arena.dm:293:error:M.DeathCheck:undefined proc
Death Arena.dm:344:error:M.DeathCheck:undefined proc
Death Arena.dm:5:error:say :undefined proc
Death Arena.dm:37:error:Login :undefined proc
Death Arena.dm:61:error:src.exp:duplicate definition
Death Arena.dm:61:error:src.maxexp:duplicate definition
Death Arena.dm:61:error:>= :instruction not allowed here
Death Arena.dm:61:error::empty type name (indentation error?)
Death Arena.dm:62:error:src.level:value not allowed here
Death Arena.dm:63:error:src.exp:undefined var
Death Arena.dm:64:error:src.maxexp:duplicate definition
Death Arena.dm:64:error:2:duplicate definition
Death Arena.dm:64:error:*= :instruction not allowed here
Death Arena.dm:65:error:world:duplicate definition
Death Arena.dm:65:error:usr:value not allowed here
Death Arena.dm:65:error::empty type name (indentation error?)
Death Arena.dm:65:error:text "[] gained a level!":value not allowed here
Death Arena.dm:65:error::duplicate definition
Death Arena.dm:65:error:<< :instruction not allowed here
Death Arena.dm:66:error:Statup :undefined proc
Death Arena.dm:62:error::empty type name (indentation error?)
alot r duplicates please help!</<>