Okay I've tried many codings to get ur monsters or whatever 2 fight 4 u but I can't get none of them 2 work.Does any1 no any good codings that would help me on this?
When I read this, I read:

"Durrr... me download tings but dey not wurk, u giv me tings to make game for me?"

Ditch the "words" you won't find in any dictionary.
In response to Garthor
Okay I'm getting pissed off with you people and ur smart ass attitudes I just need help cause I'm a newb SHEESH and you think u can check but u CAN'T WORTH CRAP so quit tryin' ta check or I'll get up on you :P
In response to Garthor
Garthor wrote:
When I read this, I read:

"Durrr... me download tings but dey not wurk, u giv me tings to make game for me?"

Ditch the "words" you won't find in any dictionary.

rude yes.... what is wrong with using shorter words? 4 your info many people use short text to write stuff, if you don't like it you can do one of 2 things

don't post because if you post something rude your an idiot

by the way have a nice day dictionary boy -_O
In response to Lil'T
Lil'T you said you can't help be a newb, well how about you at least try not to act like one. Garthor was "rude" because you keep on posting messeged asking for code, where the point is the make the code yourself. Sure you look at tutorials and demos but I think you don't understand them. You should learn to code "ok" then look around the demos to code something you're not sure how to start. Another thing, I don't think the language your using is acceptable, even though it's "mild" I feel it shouldn't be used on these forums. Oh, and you're the one with the attitude.

Ehh...that should be enough for now : )
In response to SSChicken
I think SSChicken is right...I used tutorials and demos and libraries, it helped me out with my game, and so did some coders...but thats beside the point, yes try not to use fowl language... and the short word usage is just confusing

Thats all for now...Thank you ^_^
In response to SSChicken
Anyway,know I just need to know how to define procs and I'll be ready to try and make the code myself (I doubt I can lol)but defining procs and defining text is all I need to know how to do right now.
In response to Lil'T
Well...thanks for using 'normal' words...and if you are trying to define procs why dont you just order the "BYOND Blue Book" I heard its free now...
In response to Thunder Demon
Okay I'll try to at least do THIS by myself lol thanks.
In response to Lil'T
Hehe, thats the spirit! Go look up Kunarks Rpg Tutorials 1 and 2. They have helped me out a GREAT good luck.
In response to SSChicken
damn I have to go Tornado sirens going off in my area (TN) so cya thanks!