I keep on gettind errors that say "undefined var"! How do I define a var?? And I don't know what to do with this:

//I put together a little Wizard icon ( You can change it if you please )//
Wizard//This makes a mob Called Wizard//
verb//This gives the mob/Wizard a verb//
Learn()//This Names the verb Learn//
set src in oview(1)
switch(input("Do you Want to Learn Fire Blast","?")in list("Yes","No"))//This asks the user in a input box if he/she wants to learn the spell Fire Blast and gives 2 choices Yes and No//
if("Yes")//This Will Do something if the user clicks Yes//
verbs+=new/mob/proc/Fire//This Adds the FireBlast verb to the users verb list//
..()//This Calls Normal Action//


They give me an error "mob/proc/FireBlast:undefined type path.

I'm such a newbie at Dream Maker please help!!!!
You don't need the new before the /mob/proc/fire part.
In response to Garthor
I do believe that's from one of my old demos (very old), I need to fix it. (the 'new' doesn't really do any harm, though)
In response to Nadrew
Oh, in that case, mobs don't have the /proc/Fireblast.