I put in:
var/prompt_title = "New Character"
var/help_text = "What do you want to name the character?"
1.var/default_value = key
2.var/char_name = input(src, help_text, prompt_title, default_value) as null|text
And they said:
1.Error:key:undefined var.
2.Error:variable defined but not used.
1= 1st error
2= 2nd error
What the heck did I do wrong??
May 11 2003, 7:33 am
In response to Deadron
Deadron wrote:
[edit] i think those were to show what lines gave the errors... |
In response to Deadron
no I didn't put the numbers in on Dream Maker I put it in so you would know what the error was but okay I'll try your thing
In response to Niclamus
ohh I did it thanks Deadron :) Oh and does anyone know how to get more GMs on one game?
In response to Lil'T
Instead of doing
if(usr.key == "Whatever") |
In response to Hazman
okay Hazman I did that but now they're telling me:
Error:usr.key:duplicate definition Error:GMlist:duplicate definition Error:empty type name (indention error?) Error:empty type name (indention error?) And I don't know how to duplicate a definition!! |
In response to Lil'T
a "duplicate definition" just means that you made an error by doing something twice by the way you wrote the code :)
Also, for the (indentation error?) Thing, try move the line of code back one [Tab] or forward one [Tab] The extremly genuis Dreamaker is trying to tell you there is a problem and it thinks it may be because of the fact you made to much indentation or not enough. Hope it helps :) |
In response to Starwarspower
okay thanks.
Several things. It looks like you are making a sincere attempt to get going here...let me suggest that you step back a bit and learn some more before you rush ahead.
Have you read/explored any of the following:
Zilal's ZBT tutorial:
A Step BYOND: the sample game
The Blue Book: the comprehensive, easy-to-read guide
The Developer FAQ
http://bwicki.byond.com/ ByondBwicki.dmb?FrequentlyAskedQuestions
I suggest looking at some or all of these because otherwise you are going to run into a problem every 30 seconds that you need to ask about on the forums. It's fine to ask questions, but first try to spend some time looking at all the resources people have made available to help you...
On what you did wrong:
Your reference to key doesn't mean anything to the compiler, because it doesn't know what key you are talking about. You need to specify the object the key belongs to (such as usr.key).
You put numbers in front of some of your statements (1. and 2.) which the compiler doesn't understand.