Hello I have an RPG and I am currently making a basic leveling system. My problem is with the EXP I am having it so my EXP will increment up in a formula that will probley need changed 1 thousand times over. I am making the exp go back to 0 so that EXP dont run out as quickly. Any way I was woundering how you take like 1 Million gold in sciantific form I think its 1 + e006 or somthing like that I dont remember. And change it to say 1M in the stats. Could I just be like if(gold>=1000000) golds="1M", sounds good to me.

Well which would you people prefer me to do. I was thinking once I got into the Billion exp I could have a new var holder of numbers that would hold the billions so there would be no more weird numbers. Like "[billion]/[regular_gold]" so then every time regular_gold got past another billion I would just - by 1 Billion and add 1 to the billion var. What you people think?
I have heard people say that byond doesn't handle really high numbers well, but I have never heard of anyone trying to fix it. I think it's a great idea, good luck with it and if you get it working maybe you could make a lib out of it(unless there is one already, I'm too lazy to check :P).