ok, i have a time machine and i want to make it so when i right click the time machine, and go to use, it will send me to another world!And to get back i will right click time machine go to use, to get back to earth!, dont tell me this is in tutorials, cuz i never found it! if u know where to get it, then sum1 give meh link to it! PLEASE!?
Thnx, Oh btw, i use slang words alot, thats why u never see meh use full words! whoever said that i should try using full words, cant remember!?
Feb 15 2003, 7:48 pm
Of course its not in the tutorials, we dont know what your talking about. From what i translated from your babble, you want a teleporter which sent you somewhere else then back to earth when you wanted.
If you want to do that, make an obj with a Enter() proc which changes your location to the moon and so on. |
In response to Mrhat99au
Nononono... make a turf with an Entered() proc. Much better. =)
In response to Crispy
and how exactly do i do that?
In response to Crispy
Close enough, thanks for correcting me Crispy.
turf teleporter Entered() Then you add what you want your player to do when he enters it. Or you could press F1 in Dream Maker and find out for your self. |
In response to Mrhat99au
Don't give vague advice like that. It just leads to people using usr.
turf teleporter Entered(mob/M) if(ismob(M)) M.loc = locate(234124213,1432453298,239012) |
In response to SSJ4 Radditz
I would listen to them about making it an Entered() proc. Do something like this.
mob/var/onearth = 0 |
In response to OneFishDown
Oh man, how could he of stolen such a cool key!
I paged Meh the link, but I don't know why you wanted me to tell him