Okay, pretend i have a mob called "Guy"
icon = 'guy.dmi'

Now, He has this verb...
icon = 'guy.dmi'
set src in oview(1)
usr << "<B>Hello</b>"

What can i add in there if i wanted to make this verb only work when you are facing it?

Help would be appreciated.
look up get_step() I think.
In response to Soccerguy13
check to see if they src in front of the user when you use the verb with get_step()
In response to Magnus VI
Could you show me an example? I don't really understand get_step.
In response to Unknown Person
<code>get_step(ref,dir)</code> returns the turf one step away from <code>ref</code> in <code>dir</code> direction. To check for something one step away:
var/text = ""
set src in oview(1)
if(src in get_step(usr,usr.dir))
usr << "[src]: [text]"

Now, all NPCs that have their text var set to something will talk to you. Example:
var/text = "How 'bout 'dem Giants?"

And that's all you need for a townsfolk guy that will talk to you. Object Oriented Programming, gotta love it!
In response to Garthor
Thanks Garthor!!!