I am trying to click() and make a turf/grass were /turf is. /turf is a blank turf that is by default. But when ever I click there this is what I get.
runtime error: Cannot create objects of type null.
proc name: Click (/turf/Click)
source file: main.dm,167
usr: Green Lime (/mob/pc)
src: the turf (3,2,1) (/turf)
call stack:
the turf (3,2,1) (/turf): Click(the turf (3,2,1) (/turf))
Connection closed.
Now it says line 167 of main.dm I looked it up and here it is.
else if(istype(M.selected,/obj/turfbuild))
var/list/ObjList = typesof(/turf)
ObjType = input(src,"Get Type.","Get Type","/turf/[M.selected:name]") in ObjList
new ObjType(src) //Line 167
Now M.Selected is the /obj/turfbuild that I selected in a menu so I can use that to build the turf with its name. Then I just inputed it so it would do an auto selection of the turf and then just place the obj in src or were the turf is. Can you see any thing wrong with this?
Please do help Im stuck.
Dec 15 2002, 6:09 am
Dec 15 2002, 6:19 am
Never mind hehehe I forgot to include the dm file that had the turf types in them. hehe sorry.