Keywords: wiips3pick

Poll: Pick which one you like...

PS3 42% (14)
WII 57% (19)

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Who picked PS3 over Wii? :(
some weirdo o>O
PS3 will be better after its March's releases.

book it.
Wii sucks.
I got a good "all night" hands on with a Wii a few days ago, and I don't see what all the hubub is about. The games were no better than the PS3s and the Wiimote got annoying fast. Sure, people claim that you don't have to move much, but I found it impossible to play most games with just small twitches, which is all that other game consoles require.

They both have horrible game lineups right now. Honestly, I would say both if you had a choice. Because nether is going to leave you happy. I own a PS3 and it just doesn't have enough good games. The Wii doesn't have any better games and the few worth play that it does have use the Wiimote too much. The DS had the same problem for the first year or so, after that, the games learned to use the second screen correctly and not excessively.

Give both consoles a year and they will be great consoles, but right now they just aren't worth the money. Like SSJMysticRage said, the March releases will add a bunch, and MotorStorm coming out in a few days will be great, but not enough to buy the system.
Daniel is correct.
PS3, you have to be 10 to choose wii really.
stop making these posts

Pedro3 wrote:
PS3, you have to be 10 to choose wii really.

You want to be mature to say that?
Bwgmon wrote:
Who picked PS3 over Wii? :(

well ps3 had better graphics but wii has better game play and whoever said u must be 10 tp pick da wii u need a slap coz sum of da games r very gd
Bwgmon wrote:
Who picked PS3 over Wii? :(

well ps3 had better graphics but wii has better game play and whoever said u must be 10 tp pick da wii u need a slap coz sum of da games r very gd
Better gameplay? It is a damn console, how the hell can it have gameplay? If you are saying the games have better gameplay, I would have to disagree. I wasn't impressed with the Wii or the games. I also have a PS3, and can say the same thing about it (Although the console is top notch, the current lack of good games kinda makes the good points hide).

Also, learn to spell and type. It is almost impossible to understand you.
Neither, they both aren't any good right now. But if you had asked me this after march, i still would'nt awnser, because i'd be busy playing Heavenly Sword, Motorstorm, Virtua Fighter 5, and Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion on my ps3. :P
For me, Genji looks awesome. That is it.