Hi, i am trying to create a code so that a mob goes where you want him to. Heres an example for what i meen. A proffesor walks into a room, goes in front of the usr, talks a little, then walks out of the room. Sort of like what happens if you play pokemon for gameboy, people walk up to the usr and talk. If you can make me a code for this, or if theres one out there, please post the coding for it.
The Conjuror
Oct 18 2002, 2:23 pm
Oct 18 2002, 2:30 pm
Just use step() procs to tell a mob where to go. You can move a "movie" of sorts by setting up a chain of step() proc, sleep()s, and sending messages to the player.
In response to Foomer
Hey foomer, i know this is a lot to ask but could you give me the code? Or an example?
In response to The Conjuror
<code>proc/Movie24() var/mob/doctor/D = new(locate(5,3,2)) var/mob/assistant/A = new(locate(3,8,2)) step(D, NORTH) step(D, NORTH) step(D, NORTH) step(D, NORTH) sleep(10) D.Emote("pauses.") sleep(10) D.Say("... Holy!") step(A, EAST) step(A, EAST) sleep(10) A.Say("What is it Doctor!?") sleep(10) D.Emote("dances around on one food.") sleep(10) D.Say("I stubbed my toe!") return</code> Probably be a good idea to prevent the player from doing anything while this is happening. |
In response to Foomer
Foomer wrote:
D.Emote("dances around on one food.") Mmmmm... food... |
In response to Garthor
Don't you have anything better to do than point out people's typos? Go program something for once!
In response to Foomer
YEAH! Dont be like me! Code somthing for once!...
Ohhh how it feels to have the ideas for so many games.. but the lazyness to finish reading the dune books first.. |