Today I wanted to show you where I'm at with some of the things I've done recently and tonight.
First off, not particularly exciting, but a menu option to change the volume of the sound effects in the game.

Most of my focus is on the scenarios, particularly the AI to make them challenging. Today I fixed a lot of poor logic the AI currently used. This was largely because the game isn't designed to be in such low years as the scenarios currently are - and that military buildup is a lot quicker in the WW1 era period. The AI in this time is able to build up a lot quicker as buildings are better and it'll always pick the best one of a bunch.
A lot of tonight's code changes has related to this - reducing the high factory buildup before thinking about barracks - not worrying what year its in to consider buying buildings and units, and also the ability to research new units (currently, only infantry!). It will now pursue the best units it can, once researched of course.
One of the other features I had started building in was this: Rather than having a set number of units displayed, they display with their rough unit size. You can still get a rough idea of how many soldier there is, but its not a precise amount.

Finally, because its now able to build bigger and better quicker, its able to kick your butt better too. Here is a not too surprising scene in wargames: me being beaten at my own game. Now by an AI!

The AI is good though, it doesn't attack you unless you attack first. I will likely need to change this for the scenario settings, as I don't think you should be let off that easily, but I seemed to have fixed it being completely passive before being attacked. For the first time, I've seen it build up military and even UnPUN itself (not sure how, I didn't think I coded that in yet! Sentience incoming) long before I had even started building up military.
There is still a lot to do, but there is the beginnings of a full single player experience.
Actually exciting