Can anyone help me script a battle system for an rpg, where after you get into the battle screen, you can freely walk around and attack the monsters, that also freely walk around, and have ctrl and alt buttons do magic, and then leave the battle screen once battle is finished, and get gold and be able to pk other players online also in that battle system, also a way to fight them without touching another player, all that stuff. Sorry if im not specific, im a n00b to all this so...and also, could someone help me, or tell me how to script where if you right click on a player while online, it brings up a profile about them, with kills, deaths, online time, and favorite quote, also where they can change their favorite quote to anything they want anytime by left clicking on themselves? Anyone who helps me or tells me how will have their name(s) in my credits (you deserve at least that if you help out this much), please someone? lol thanks =)
Eluria Online Admin wrote:
Can anyone help me script a battle system for an rpg, where after you get into the battle screen, you can freely walk around and attack the monsters, that also freely walk around, and have ctrl and alt buttons do magic, and then leave the battle screen once battle is finished, and get gold and be able to pk other players online, also a way to fight them without touching another player, all that stuff. Sorry if im not specific, im a n00b to all this so...and also, could someone help me, or tell me how to script where if you left click on a player while online, it brings up a profile about them, with kills, deaths, online time, and favorite quote, also where they can change their favorite quote to anything they want anytime by left clicking on themselves? Anyone who helps me or tells me how will have their name(s) in my credits (you deserve at least that if you help out this much), please someone? lol thanks =)

This is a pretty tall order; I think you're gonna need to figure this out one piece at a time. The first piece would be setting up the encounter by moving players to the battlefield and moving them back. Use a debug verb to end the battle for now. There've been a lot of useful posts on battle systems here, so if you search you should strike gold.
One thing I can tell you right now is that Ctrl and Alt can't be used the way you want, not yet. BYOND still doesn't support the kind of full keyboard mapping you'd need.

My preference for a battle system isn't a real-time approach, though, or is time-limited at most (i.e., limited time to take a turn). BYOND will lend itself better to being able to choose your attack from a menu or verb for 15-60 seconds or so.

Lummox JR
I haven't figured out how to have ctr or alt be hot keys, but I do know that this works for escape and space:

//Put this all in a .dms file

command_text = ".alt"
     space return ".center"
     escape return "quit"
     space return ".center"
     escape return "quit"

In this example, pressing the space bar activates the center() proc in world and pressing the escape key activates the quit() verb on the player's mob.