I need help making a code that allows Admins to hear everything said wether people are using say, whisper, ect.. I need one with as few variables as possible, thanks ;-)
i thought it would be like this,?

mob/verb/whisper(mob/M in world,msg as text)
for(var/mob/M2 in world)
if(M2.GM == 1)
M2 <<"[usr] whispered to [M]: [msg]"
M <<"[usr] whispers to you!: [msg]"
usr <<"You whisper, [msg]"
M <<"[usr] whispers to you!: [msg]"
usr <<"You whisper, [msg]"


mob/verb/say(msg as text)
for(var/mob/M2 in world)
if(M2.GM == 1)
M2 <<"[usr] Said: [msg]"
view() <<"[usr] Says, [msg]"
view() <<"[usr] Says, [msg]"