I am on the path of making a game And I can't afford a coder or anything so I need SO HELP FOR FREE IF YOU CAN!!!Give me some tips,codes,maybe even some icons,I am a good icon maker but I am only slightly good at coding,I can't make good turfs so..HELP ME PLEASE!!!Uh..Email me or Page me Or even IM me on AIM. MSEpyon ZM MP for AIM,[email protected],and Vanilla Coke or Tanker23 on Byond
Well now, this depends on what kind of game you want to make. It's better to learn yourself, then to have others make your game for you. It's like doing your homework.
It ain't like doing homework if the turtorials only make it harder,I am looking to make a hang out place but for some reason I am geting [expletive deleted] to where I can't see my map anymore but everything else works!!!
In response to Vanilla Coke
If you want help on how to fix a specific problem, post the code you have relevant to that problem so we can see what's going on.
In response to Crispy
In your Login() code, remember to put ..() in there somewhere. That spawns you in normally. If you don't, you get the black screen. That's probably your problem. But that's just a wild guess.
In response to Garthor
I have this as my code

usr.icon_state = input("What gender?") in list ("male","female")
usr.Move(locate(1,1,1)) What's going on all I get is a freaking black screen
In response to Vanilla Coke
Please refrain from using bad language on the forums.
In response to Vanilla Coke
boojah! Put in a line: ..() at the point you want the player on the map. Probably before the move, which does nothing. btw since 1,1,1 is the default starting location.