I fixed some bugs that occurred when upgrading to the newest beta version of BYOND causing macro's not to detect. Which essentially broke the entire game, but those issues have been solved so everything should run smoothly now.
AI and player monsters now have the ability to use a special attack. For now, the only special is throwing a bone shuriken towards the closest player within view. But as I add more monster upgrades I'll also update special attacks.
Camp Killall has been renamed to Camp Blackfort, because I think that sounds cooler. I still need to finish up the details on the map, but I really wanted to go ahead and push out this version for the bug fixes.
Players can now loot cabinets and drawers to obtain Firecrackers. Deploying a firecracker within range of the monster will cause the monster to be temporarily blinded, and the monster tracker will be disabled for an extended period of time.
I've also implemented subscription detection, but for now I've disabled the option to actually subscribe until I actually get some features worth paying for.
Here's a full list of all the changes for this version. Enjoy!
+ ADDED Door opening animation(very basic)
+ ADDED Subscription detection
+ ADDED Player "Male Counselor 04"(no death animations)
+ ADDED Fog effect
+ ADDED AI can now use special attacks, added 'Throw bone'
- Press the same key assigned to Interact(default is SPACE)
+ ADDED Item 'Firecrackers'
- Players can deploy firecrackers to momentarlily stun the monster
- Firecrackers also disable monster tracking for an extended period of time
+ FIXED Lighting inside houses now disappear upon exiting house
+ FIXED Roofs sometimes not updating
+ FIXED Macro's not detecting
+ FIXED Player audio would not update with player change
+ FIXED Minor bugs
+ FIXED Behind the scenes medal updates(needs testing)
+ FIXED Joining a new server now closes the current session
+ CHANGED Camp Killall updated
- Changed to "Camp Blackfort"
![]() Mar 27 2021, 10:06 pm
Anyone wanna play a few rounds, hit me up!!!