if var/p="Blue"

and I put


and there is a var called usr.Blue
would it be called as usr.Blue? for some reason I'm spacing and it seems right but I think I remember it isn't. Just trying to remember... and is there another way to do this?
No, it wouldn't refer to 'usr.Blue' at all. It would refer to 'usr.p', because you said 'usr.p'.

is there another way to do this?

Do what? ... :-)

Reference a variable using another variable's value? No, I don't think so, unless you use lists. (Look it up in the docs! :) )
Jon Snow wrote:
if var/p="Blue"

and I put


and there is a var called usr.Blue
would it be called as usr.Blue?

Nope. It'd be usr.p, which is "Blue", so your if() would be if("Blue">1), which is a type mismatch and will produce a runtime error.

What you're looking for is this:

Lummox JR
In response to Lummox JR
thanks a ton !!! I needed a shortcut and this'll work just fine ... :)

hmm one last quick question...

what if I wanted it to be equal to another var, but also when the var changes it automatically changes with it, is it possible?

like literally a var is almost an exact duplicate of another... var/p="[selection]" maybe?

except for the fact one is used for certain things and the other is used for another thing.. (it's hard to explain why I need this)
In response to Jon Snow
Jon Snow wrote:
thanks a ton !!! I needed a shortcut and this'll work just fine ... :)

hmm one last quick question...

what if I wanted it to be equal to another var, but also when the var changes it automatically changes with it, is it possible?

like literally a var is almost an exact duplicate of another... var/p="[selection]" maybe?

Once you set p this way, it's a static string that won't change.

except for the fact one is used for certain things and the other is used for another thing.. (it's hard to explain why I need this)

I really don't follow what you're trying to do here. It sounds like you want a pointer or reference, but don't.

Is it some kind of adaptive formula you're after, perhaps? Like if var/n gets changed, var/m (which is n*n) changes appropriately? If this is the case, I'm afraid what you'll have to do is use a proc to make the changes.

Lummox JR
In response to Lummox JR
you hit it right on the nogin! :) I'm bad at explaining things but you're right... I'm going to have to make procs, I was just hoping for a quicker way around this...