ok I have a var that is equal to 3

now I want to have another var like so...


now how would I have it so for every number in 1 it is x by rand(1,3)??

so like it would output


lets say the rands were 3, 3, and 1 that would output like 7 or something.
and that would be what var/1 is.
what? Explain this better... without the characters and formulas
In response to Ter13
let me explain it better...

you have a var equal to a number greater than 1

so if it was 2
I want to have it do this

the number 2 split up is 1 and 1, or two 1's

1*rand(1,3) lets say the randomly selected number was 2
1*rand(1,3) lets say the randomly selected number was 1

then the 2 would ouput 3

get what I'm saying?

I'm saying I want each 1, or 2 split up to be times by rand(1,3)

because if you do this

2*rand(1,3) you'll get whatever the rand is, so for instance...
the rand was 2

compared to the above 1*2+1*1=3

get it now?

but if it was the othe rway

In response to Jon Snow
I am stumped, good luck
In response to Ter13
lmao thanks I'll need it :( hehe
In response to Jon Snow
I still don't understand what you want. First you're asking for a factorial-like 1*rand(1,3)+2*rand(1,3)+3*rand(1,3), now you're asking for it to be divided. Anyway, to do this, set up a loop, have the number -= 1 at the end, and repeat.
In response to Garthor
ya I edited the first post sorry I posted itw rong