We know that one of our biggest weak points was our maps. To rectify this issue we've put alot of work and detailing into our map's progress. Working tirelessly to make it a fun experience to explore. Map changes have already been uploaded to the planet vegeta but another update on it has already been completed and is at the moment only awaiting an update to show the rest of it off. Still if you were to log in at this very moment you might find yourself incredibly impressed with the map on vegeta.
Vegeta isn't the only map to get worked on however and upon the next update you'll see various maps that have been worked on. The intent/goal here is to never stop adding to the maps, but to instead make adding to the maps a daily routine that continues to get worked on. With a much more professional outlook on it's scheduling we hope that you'll find this to be a much better arrangement toward spicing up the liveliness of the game !
Although there's a lot of work to be done there has already been tremendous work done. As of right now check out the map on vegeta to see the style we're discussing and let us know what you think we can do better!
{Respectful comments only!}
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Yeah we don't do that here. We don't tolerate using these channels for the wrong type of messages. Please use the proper channels to express your salt if it is indeed necessary.
Whether or not you're educated on the matter there are actually alot of us here. Hence why you got a response so fast.
You're pathetic.