Apr 2 2002, 3:26 pm
Can someone give me a code that allows you to start from one mob then have a verb that will switch one character to another and switch stat panels?
Well tell me if this is what you want.
mob players Mob1 Stat() statpanel("Mob1") Mob Stat() statpanel("Mob") mob/verb/Switch() var/O=input("switch","mobs") as null|anything in typesof(/mob/players) src.client.mob=new O del(src) In this code I made stat panels for mob/players/Mob1 and mob/players/Mob when using switch it will give you a list of anuthing in typesof mob players, or mob/players/Mob1 and mob/players/Mob. When you switch mobs what ever mob you choose it should pop up its certain statpanel. Hope I helped:)P.S. This explanation might be confusing, oh and also this code deals with being different mobs so if thats what you want here is an example.. |
In response to Richter
Thank you Super 16 and Richter.
usr.icon='.dmi//put what icon you want them to be
//Then give them the stats you want for that icon
usr.strenght=what ever you want.
//do that for the rest of the statsif you have any questions
just ask.