Mar 17 2002, 5:11 am
Giving Objs how u do that?!?!?!?!?!?!
Mar 17 2002, 5:11 am
Well theres many ways to interpret that, so how do you mean.
In response to Super16
Like if i wanted to give some Pills to a mob in oview 1 ive tried M.contents+=/obj/Pills
In response to Strange Kidd
Try something like this.
mob/verb/Give(mob/M as mob in view()) var/obj/C=input("What obj?") as obj in usr.contents if(C==null) return else usr.contents.Remove(C) M.contents.Add(C) |
In response to Super16
thx Do u know about macros o.O
In response to Strange Kidd
In response to Super16
can u help............ AND...........
mob/verb/Give(mob/M as mob in view()) var/obj/C=input("What obj?") as obj in usr.contents if(C==null) return else usr.contents.Remove(C) M.contents.Add(C) if(C==/obj/Blue_Orb) usr.Orb=0 AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT SAYS INCOSISTANT INDENTATION FOR USR.ORB=0 |
In response to Strange Kidd
mob/verb/Give(mob/M as mob in oview(1))
var/obj/C=input("") as obj in usr.contents if(C==null) return if(istype(C,/obj/Blue_Orb)) usr.orb=0 usr.contents.Remove(C) M.contents.Add(C) if(C!=null) usr.contents.Remove(C) M.contents.Add(C) |