plz help
King of Wind wrote:
plz help

Check out my leveling system
In response to Nadrew
k thats my other key
King of Wind wrote:
plz help

ok... you mean level up?

checklevel(mob/M as mob)
if (M.exp >= M.expreq)

levelup(mob/M as mob)
M << "You gain a level! You are now level [M.level + 1]!"
if (usr.hit <= 100)
usr.hit += rand(5,10)
M.attack += rand(1, 5)
M.defense += rand(1,3)
M.MAXHP += 10 + rand (5,10)
usr.HP = usr.MAXHP

um.. that's kinda what i do.
In response to Vegetto5748
Oh, I had no idea you're the annoying DBZer I don't like...oh well..
In response to Nadrew
i got a error that says Statup:bad var what would i do? would i make a statup var on my statpanel?
In response to Vegetto5748
ya thats what i need i got that off urs too nadrew
In response to Vegetto5748
Vegetto5748 wrote:
i got a error that says Statup:bad var what would i do? would i make a statup var on my statpanel?

It compiles fine for me it must be conficting with your code somewhere.
In response to Nadrew
i figured that out but where do i put the icon='w/e.dmi' so they can train on it?
In response to Kyzial
Kyzial wrote:
i figured that out but where do i put the icon='w/e.dmi' so they can train on it?

Well you try to not make a DBZ game then I might help you.