These functions should be placed in BaseCamp/Calendar
world << "start [filename]"
// This loads the calendar properties from an html file allowing
// you to edit the initial settings of the calendar.
var/XML/Element/root = xmlRootFromFile(filename)
_startingTimeOffset = text2num(root.FirstChildText("startingTimeOffset"))
_baseYear = text2num(root.FirstChildText("baseYear"))
_timeZone = text2num(root.FirstChildText("timeZone"))
_alwaysConsiderLeapYears = text2num(root.FirstChildText("alwaysConsiderLeapYears"))
_timeFormat = root.FirstChildText("timeFormat")
_isCustomCalendar = text2num(root.FirstChildText("isCustomCalendar"))
_timeSpeed = text2num(root.FirstChildText("timeSpeed"))
_hoursPerDay = text2num(root.FirstChildText("hoursPerDay"))
for (var/XML/Element/e in root.Descendants("dayNames"))
for (var/XML/Element/d in e.ChildElements())
if (!_dayNames)
_dayNames = new/list()
_dayNames += d.Text()
for (var/XML/Element/e in root.Descendants("monthNames"))
for (var/XML/Element/m in e.ChildElements())
if (!_monthNames)
_monthNames = new/list()
_monthNames += m.Text()
for (var/XML/Element/e in root.Descendants("numDaysInMonths"))
for (var/XML/Element/m in e.ChildElements())
if (!_numDaysInMonths)
_numDaysInMonths = new/list()
_numDaysInMonths += text2num(m.Text())
for (var/XML/Element/e in root.Descendants("numDaysInLeapMonths"))
for (var/XML/Element/m in e.ChildElements())
if (!_numDaysInLeapMonths)
_numDaysInLeapMonths = new/list()
_numDaysInLeapMonths += text2num(m.Text())
return ..()
// Loading Calendar //
/* This loads the calendar properties from an html file allowing
you to edit the initial settings of the calendar.
XML example.
<timeFormat>%D %M %d, %y %H:%i %s %p</timeFormat>
Code example.
var/BaseCamp/Calendar/my_calendar = new()
var/now = my_calendar.CurrentTime()
src << "The current date and time for this world is: [now]"
return ..()