I'm working on a little side project at the moment. It's based on an old dos game.

I'm wondering what people think about :

The Graphical Style
The Interface Usability
Would you play a game like this?

This kinda interface is great. It's simple and clear. You didn't say what comes to the box under the "Test Build" text but I'd think it's an inventory grid?

The game itself looks good too and depending on the gameplay I'd maybe even play the game.
In response to Syntty
Awesome. The box is an inventory, you're right.
Overall, it looks decent, but I have some suggestions. =)

  • Here's one from the feature interface guidelines: Using the entire top row for a menu bar with only one menu is a waste. I suggest either creating more menus inside it or removing it. (I tend to prefer the latter.)
  • Here's another from that list: In general, it is wise to remove borders for whatever is not the focus. I'm not seeing an extreme case here, but the margins and dedicated corners you've provided should be enough without them. Just keep in mind how you're dividing player attention when/if you add more interface elements. =)
  • Here's one that was removed from the first draft in a ridiculous attempt to compromise: There is one and only one correct way to position chat input. It should be below output with the sides where the text begins aligned. This allows players to view both incoming messages and what they are typing at the same time. It lets people keep up with conversations even if they lack typing speed. (Yes, the default BYOND skin is wrong.)
In response to ACWraith
Thanks for those but I couldn't help but notice the third bullet point. You say that input needs to be under chat, I can understand that in theory it's better. However, when I have used this style I've noticed I can read the output and type. For instance I haven't looked at the keyboard while typing this. Perhaps for people who can't type well it would help but is moving chat really worth it? We know if the game's good enough then they'll play it regardless of the input spot.
In response to Kyle_ZX
Even if the game is "good enough" by some vague standards, the specific flaws will still exist. I focus on what can be defined because it is something that can be fixed and taught. I understand that I promote tweaks which could be seen as very minor. However, I believe that making people take notice will increase game quality all around. =)

The input position is not for looking at the keyboard. It's for looking at the monitor. If you're not looking at the monitor, there's no sense in displaying anything at all! ;)

Even good typists will want to pause now and then. Frell, I can type much better than I give myself credit for, but I can rarely chat with any speed. Those who think before they speak (or edit before they press enter) are at a frustrating disadvantage if they can't take quick notice of new information and topic changes.

The viewing angle may also bring ergonomic concerns. Even if you limit the window size, that angle increases with the uncontrollable physical distance displayed on the monitor. (It decreases with the player's distance from the monitor, but that is also uncontrollable and the text will eventually become too small to read.) The larger the angle, the more you're asking users to continually pivot just to keep up with a conversation.