I screwed myself over, to tell you all the truth. I thought this was going to be a really good idea. I spent at least three weeks straight working on something along the lines of Pokemon turn-based or whatever, where rather than too much skill and just brains alone, (along with stats), a player could beat the crap out of another player. I guess I wasn't thinking too far into this idea, and now I'm stuck with this game mechanism. (I can always roll back to a previous floppy disk, but it's a bit outdated in terms of how far along the game is).
The main problem I'm having is what players will be fighting to gain these stats. Like, for example, Pokemon have Pokemon randomly showing up in the grass. I went along with this idea, where you could randomly get attacked by bandits along the way. But all I have are different level/stat bandits. And from my point of view this thing is starting to get both retarded and sketch. What kind of random "monsters (variable)" would show up in Full Metal Alchemist that players would be able to fight to gain exp, cash, and loot?
(PS: I thought that doing this would make things a bit more unique for the Anime Guild. My ... overthinking made me forget about this stuff).
![]() Oct 30 2010, 5:55 am
As for possible enemies... just think of the possible 'bad guys' that appeared in the series.
Run-of-the mill criminals of various possible types (evil alchemists, bandits, thieves, serial killers, what ever, really), corrupt members of the army (soldiers, National Alchemists, etc), crazed or vengeful Ishbalans (sp?), berserk chimeras and homunculi, maybe armies of opposing countries, et cetera. You could also have it so you could challenge some 'good guys' as well.
Just to note, nothing I've said is related to turn-basedness, of course.