I have been thinking of starting on a small RPG. But it has came to my attention I have to clue how to balance player and monsters out. I am wanting to use a StatPoint type system of level up, can anyone give me some tips on keeping things balanced?
Well, in PvP situations, with a stat point system, i find it hard to balance, but PvE is much easier, because you can set how strong the creatures are, i would just lets say, let the char start with X amount of points, and maybe, as they get stronger get 1-2X your level in stat points, because really, a level two vs a lvl 3 shouldn't be much of a different, but a lvl 80 vs lvl 81, ya there is a difference, mainly because the higher lvlvs tend require more exp, and the monster yet they do usually give more exp, it usually don't compare to the lower levels. I mean, and then, find out how much stat points a certain player would have, in total, at every level, and base the monsters strength off of that, if monsters have lvls in your game, otherwise just balance it out as much as ya can, imo, balancing a game requires more teesting than almost anything lse, besides bug finding, because a good balance, isn't only good 'in theory' And since i am writing too much, i'll shut up now.