Hi all, I'm new to the BYOND system, but I'm familiar with the concepts and practices of programming and such. Not much on the C side, most of my experience in Javascript, PHP, and Ajax.
So I'm looking to implement the entire d20 system into a world. Basically to input the entire D&D 3.5 (Dungeons and Dragons 3.5 edition) system into a MMORPG style game. I honestly think there is enough of it that 98% of the DMs tasks could be automated with basic AI and Bots.
The game concept is to having a living world, with bot NPCs and PC running around completing quests, going after their goals, etc. I think that once players get established a social strategy system would takeover and the 3.5 system would just be the platform.
I know that this task is massive and my programmer friends that I talk to about it tell me that I'm taking on a task that is pretty large, but I'm up for the challenge.
So where do I start? Any tips, advice, offers of assistance, knowledge of already created platforms available etc. are much appreciated.
[i]edited to add that the main guide I've already downloaded and read most of.[/i]
Apr 23 2010, 12:28 pm
or this even: http://www.byond.com/developer/articles/start
(Unless these are the guides your talking about and not the DM Guide.)