I just recently played Fable 2 for the first time and i absolutely loved it. I decided to plan for a Fable Byond game. I just want to know if this should be a good idea and what I should do to make the game feel like a fable game.

My msn is [email protected]
With detailed planning, it could work.

PS: If you want some help designing it, I'm up for helping! A fable game would be a great fangame, and I would be more than happy to help.
In response to Rtbbvr
My msn is [email protected] feel free to contact
It would be better to make a game based off of Fable, without the copyrighted content. That way, you have to risk of getting shut down by the copyright holders, and you can add subscriber access to the game if you ever wanted to.
In response to Jeff8500
Ya fable was an awsome game (although i never played fable II and i heard so many good things about it) I started to make a fable game (solo project) but i miserablly failed my missle proc was all screwey and my lightning spell was totally screwing up the game xD