Applies to:Dream Seeker
Status: Open

Issue hasn't been assigned a status value.
Dreamseeker has this popup where it logs various client errors, e.g. reconnect attempts, or bad winset calls. It would be nice if there was a client command to write arbitrary log entries into it for debugging purposes.
world.log << "this already exists"
Have a look at the reference entry for world.log. Quoting it:

Sending output to world.log may be useful for debugging purposes. The output goes to the same place run-time proc errors are displayed.

This appears to be precisely what you're looking for.
This is not redundant, this is a client-side window. There is no way to print anything into it, other than cause invalid winset calls and embed a message into the error it emits.

It would also be great if it was possible to collect these logs via winget, because they originate from byond skin and javascript, and are never sent to the server.

Please, reopen.
I've reopened the request as I definitely missed that you desired something client-side, however I will mention that messages *will* appear in this window when using world.log when running in debug mode (as in, using Compile and Run from Dream Maker).

If you need to write and read from a public-facing window like this while hosting, why not just write and read from a file or a custom-made debug window?
Write is needed, because I was debugging an issue with Dreamseeker failing to reconnect, and it would be very useful to compare debug prints against other lines in this client-side log, to see what could be causing it by order of operations.

Read is needed, because this is the only place where client logs are stored (afaik), and it would be nice to aggregate them in one place.

Or do client-side actions based on the logs, e.g. unload/clean-up some script when we see the "Connecting" message. But connection events would fit this case better, e.g. `on-will-connect`, `on-did-connect`, etc.
In response to StyleMistake
I see. Thank you for clarifying.
bump for 515