
by AERProductions
Construct your lineage in a living world.
Things are getting back to normal here in Texas, but Pondera development continues!

Due to the urgent release allowing you to host your own Pondera test sandbox, I have added the ability for the host to select which type of game mode they would like to serve. You can select from Single Player or Multi-Player modes. It is a rough draft. It will only ask you once on the first run which mode you'd like to select, after the mode is set, you will create or select a character as usual.

Selecting single player will set you as a normal player (not Admin) and hide the game from appearing in the Hub, but you can still invite friends to your single player game (for co-op!) via the pager. Selecting Multi-player will set you as Admin and is for hosting a Pondera World.

I had it set up to be able to select Sandbox or Story instances, but the story mode needs a lot of work. So for now I am releasing the Sandbox mode. Story will be easier to release as a separate project, so that is what I am going to do.

Join the testing server!
[Pondera (Open Sandbox Testing)]


Host your own [Pondera (OpenTesting-SmallMap)] !

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