In response to OneFishDown
I love you. That's genius.
In response to CaptFalcon33035
The only problem I see with this is, a troll using this to gather some.. sensitive information.

Can you gather a list of the useful things to keep trolls out? (like hard drive serials, motherboard serials, anything to identify the computer?)
In response to CaptFalcon33035
Congratulations, you've just tied BYOND further to good old Windows. Much as a graphical linux client is unlikely for a while, please don't go putting more barriers in the way of it.
In response to Jp
That could be a Windows solution. Their are a few obvious way to do this on Linux and Macs however. For one, you could place a file with that specific value in the /root folder or something. Of course, that means that you need an installation executable for it.
In response to Flame Sage
Flame Sage wrote:
Is there a list anywhere?

you can find information about all of the WMI classes here.

hard-drive #

the Win32_LogicalDisk class gives you information about hard drives, as well as floppy and optical drives. queries about this class can be slow as a result.

motherboard #

check out the Win32_BaseBoard class and Win32_MotherboardDevice class. i've never used either of them so i'm not sure if they'll reliably contain the information you want.

internal IP?

Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration. the ipaddress property is a string array which isn't supported by the code i posted, but its an easy fix to make it support arrays.

don't rely on all of this information being present and valid. your best bet is to use this to supplement a simple key/ip banning system. and if you do use this information to ban people, make sure the information is valid first. you don't want to ban someone with a hard disk serial number that is "null" or "undefined" otherwise you may be banning a lot of people =)
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