I was trying to give a datum the var '_dm_interface', and DM told me it's built-in. Now, that's no problem, but I was wondering what does that variable do? There seems to be nothing about it in reference...

I think this and others such as client/Command() or 'static' should be added to reference, it's really confusing >_<
It's not in the reference, but it is in the forum. =)

See [link], and that whole thread.
In response to Crispy
Wow, that's some interesting stuff...

Thanks Crispy! =)
In response to DivineO'peanut
You want to see some other fancy hidden stuff? Check out hub://Dantom.DB it has a whole set of secret DM functions =P.
In response to Nadrew
I don't understand that DB stuff though. :(

But I do know how icons and sound work now. :P