I was thinking about making a game, which I call A.Y.B.(if you want to know what it means, ask)

Basically your on one team, and the objective is to take over your opponents base. The game varients will include :

Capture The Base(Main gametype, you capture the enemy base)
Explosion(Planting a bomb in the enemies base)
War(Just killing)

Any suggestions? I just thought of it while listening to a song a few minutes ago :P
What does AYB stand for?
In response to Dession
A.ll Y.our B.ase

I was listening to a song called All Your Base Are Belong To Us

And decided that would be an awesome game

In response to Dead_Demon
In response to Crispy
Crispy wrote:
It's not just a song. =)

That was a good read. I enjoyed it thoroughly



In response to Crispy
Well, yeah, I know that. But I didn't think of anything about it until I was listening to this parody of a Nirvana song.

Click to Download
In response to Dead_Demon
Jeez, that guy seriously cannot sing.
In response to Crispy
Yes, I know.
But I found it funny
No suggestions as to what I should put in?
In response to Dead_Demon
Yeah, it was amusing, but the voice grated a bit. =)

Hmm... how about vehicles? Specifically, Zigs. =P
In response to Crispy
Whats a zig look like?
*flies off*
Well, despite peoples lack of interest for this game, I have started it.
Now, I have a problem with gameplay. Players can move around boxes and such to block paths
Now, if someone has a bomb, they obviously can't shoot a gun.
So, should the soldiers be suicide soldiers, like their armour is a bomb?
Or what?