Can mob be any icon size? Like maybe take up the whole screen?
Icons are limited to 32x32 pixels, but you may add overlays and even create multiple mobs/objects to function as overlays to have the mob go over the entire screen.
Watch that limit.
In response to Android Data
I've thought of a new idea for space travel in my game.
I made Saiyan Space Pod In first person view and made the window transparent so the space map can be seen.

I want the whole ship it take up the screen and be movable as a mob. I still have more to draw this is just to make my point clear.

This is possible is it not?
In response to Go-jin769
Quite possible and a nice touch.
In response to Go-jin769
That looks like it'd function better as a HUD. You wouldn't want it as a mob if you're doing multiplayer.
In response to Crispy
Nice spacepod!
In response to DivineO'peanut
DivineO'peanut wrote:
Nice spacepod!



In response to Crispy
I was going to make the panal a hud to conrtol the ship.
Press the coordinates and the ship will move to the select spot.

Other players will look like pods if they cross paths.

At least I'll try to make it that way, if not I'll make it a hud.
In response to Hiead
Hiead wrote:
DivineO'peanut wrote:
Nice spacepod!




