The map size for Earth (in my game) will be done like this.
Quadren 1: 4 1000 x 1000 maps areas 1-4
Quadren 2: 4 1000 x 1000 maps areas 1-4
Quadren 3: 4 1000 x 1000 maps areas 1-4
Quadren 4: 4 1000 x 1000 maps areas 1-4
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A1 | A2 | A1 | A2 |
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A3 | A4 | A2 | A4 |
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A1 | A2 | A1 | A2 |
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A3 | A4 | A3 | A4 |
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Not to big is it? I was thinking of removing 4 areas
and make it just 9 in all.
Since Most Gameing People Think 1000 x 1000 is not big enough for a DBZ planet.
19 cites
21 RPG SITES (like Muscle Tower Red Ribbon Army headquarters)
Gravity 1
Temp: -25 lowest 107 high
1day: 24hr
Water: 70%
![]() Jul 25 2006, 9:55 am
Yes i mention be for this is a 2 year project
I'm not playing I beleave Dbz game are gay be cause they aren't useing byond to its full potential. i just hope i dont crash due to the size i planned it out fully. I know the cites and positions of the sites. I draw my icons on graph paper 32x32 first before makeing it on the computer. ----------------------------------------------------------- O and you made a post to someone about icon programs, to someone (i forgot where), and you gave them a link to a byond icon program. I thank he wanted something like this: that's what I use for icons. (did't want to bring up a old post but since you might read this?) |
i decided that it will be 12x1000x1000 12million
I make a good 1000 x 1000 in about a month 1/2 but that took so long because i had no planning.(I need to redo alot becaues i keep changing my mind on thing and wanted to make thing better.) Now when i do it, it will just coping notes. 12million 5 - 6 month mabey, its the npcs that worries me thoe. |
I guess you totally missed the "smaller is better" portion of my post. Not to mention you'll probably never want to touch another map after the first month or intensive mapping.
And for reference, Jtgibson wrote: I've always been a strong supporter of small maps that are attached end-to-end, usually such that the maps are actual data files that are portable and editable by the developer in some kind of online creation system. Small maps give the illusion of massiveness because each appears to be detailed much more than large maps -- the brain digests a single portion of the game world and reacts to its detail more closely. In a large world, even careful detail is interpreted as a segment of a homogenous whole and it is forgotten quickly. |
Small maps Conneting side by side?
Ok that Idea is good if fact that was my first mapping Idea. But after posting on countless dbz forms that idea won't cut it for a mass online multiplayer. 50x50 you said this present me with 5 problems 1. at 50 x 50 i can only have 50 no less about 25 players on a map at a time. with leaves 25 of untouched tiles. Crowed! 2. Dbz Games have dragonballs 7 which must be spreaded across the maps, if they are on 50 x 50 maps they will be to eazy to find no matter how many map i do, 3. hidden items, maps and , secrets will not be to hidden. At all! A Mass RPG is no fun if everybody knows what you know 4. 1000 x 1000 is large only to the mapper the gamer feels it is do small for a Dbz map, it can be skimmed in about 45mins to a hour. and I dont care what you say, a game is boreing once you see all the sites. My 12 1000 x 1000 map idea wont be skimmed in less than hour or less then a day for that matter. At 50 x 50, 4 good swipes and to the next then repeat. you'll master the game in a days time 5. Finally with Gensai, Finale, and Rebirth out there anything less then a detailed 500 x 500 wont pull them away form the other dbz game. I dont care it if they see the detail in the game, in fact i want them to miss alot then, when they run in to someone who did see something they didn't something they go back and still search for hours for something they know where is located. Finale has 20 or some odd number of 300 x 300 maps. I found everything but the key to the Time Chamber. I was then informed of its map location and it took only 5mins to find it. Thats the only dbz game i like because of the adventure. I was so rich becaues when the world repoped I knew there all the cash stashes where. so 50x50 100x100 or 1000x1000 wont cut it every one wants to see a "M" in MASS Mulitplayer Online Role Playing Game, as for map size Million is the only size with "M" in it. 50x 50 maps are good for something other than DBZ. Compared to Finale I'll get Laugh at doing that. |
Why don't you make one smallish map similar to the one above? As for your dragonballs problem, what you should do is make them hard to get as opposed to hard to find. For example; In Dragonball, when Bulma + Goku went around looking for the dragonballs at the start, when they found a ball it was in possession of someone else like the Ox King or like some random person in the town. Make a mini-quest sort of thing to get the dragonball off of them. That way, the balls are a bit hard to find and there's a fun factor involved too. In Dragon Ball Z, it wasn't centred around finding dragonballs but before the Cell Games you could see Goku struggling to find them. But the reason he was struggling was because they were in weird places - such as underneath sand which made them hard to find. So although he could get to them pretty fast, it was still hard to take them. |
Go-jin769 wrote:
every one wants to see a "M" in MASS Mulitplayer Online Role Playing Game, as for map size Million is the only size with "M" in it. You make it seem like all online gamers are fat! Oh wait. |
On the map thing I'm way ahead of you!
In fact I used the map on because it was the most detail map I could find. (The original idea was 16 1000 x 1000 so i can make it a square and put the grid paper on my wall. Then a saw the map on pojo and went to 12 for each square on the map.) I'll Draw and makeup plans for the other planets. The dragonball idea i love it! I'll have it to where, if your good you go through the quest doing task for the npcs. (like get the Basho Sen for the flame on the mountain.) and if you evil you must fight them for it. and when the dragon is called and a wish is made than they go back to their quest spots and dead quest NPCs repop. |
Go-jin769 wrote:
On the map thing I'm way ahead of you! Wow. Pojo still exists after all these years? Anyways, good luck dude. I don't know about you, but I don't see how you'd keep inspiration for a game for 1-2 years. But then again, you're working with a team. |
Go-jin769 wrote:
Small maps Conneting side by side? Do the math :) a 50x50 map, has 2500 individual tiles :) 2. Dbz Games have dragonballs 7 which must be spreaded across the maps, if they are on 50 x 50 maps they will be to eazy to find no matter how many map i do, Not true at all, if you planned to have 12million tiles, you could just do 100 50x50 maps, and then youve got 7 dragonballs spread accross 100 maps, Which means that someone would have to search more then 25000 tiles for a single dragonball. 3. hidden items, maps and , secrets will not be to hidden. At all! A Mass RPG is no fun if everybody knows what you know Wrong again, Theres 100 50x50 maps to spread some minor hidden items, and if you really want to, make 1000 50x50 maps :O Youve got 2.5 million tiles to spread a couple hidden items :) 4. 1000 x 1000 is large only to the mapper the gamer feels it is do small for a Dbz map, it can be skimmed in about 45mins to a hour. and I dont care what you say, a game is boreing once you see all the sites. My 12 1000 x 1000 map idea wont be skimmed in less than hour or less then a day for that matter. At 50 x 50, 4 good swipes and to the next then repeat. you'll master the game in a days time Wrong again. If you were really cool, you would do something that changes the positions of the inland maps :) So that one day a hideout is on the top right of the map, and on next reboot its replaced, and if you were even cooler, you could make the objects automatticaly placed upon reboot, so every time you visit a place itll look differant. 5. Finally with Gensai, Finale, and Rebirth out there anything less then a detailed 500 x 500 wont pull them away form the other dbz game. I dont care it if they see the detail in the game, in fact i want them to miss alot then, when they run in to someone who did see something they didn't something they go back and still search for hours for something they know where is located. Wrong again! Its like your having a streak! All you have todo is make maps that cycle, and if you dont want todo 50x50 maps, do 500x500 maps. You'll have alot more then everyone else. Finale has 20 or some odd number of 300 x 300 maps. I found everything but the key to the Time Chamber. I was then informed of its map location and it took only 5mins to find it. Thats the only dbz game i like because of the adventure. I was so rich becaues when the world repoped I knew there all the cash stashes where. So 50x50 100x100 or 1000x1000 wont cut it every one wants to see a "M" in MASS Mulitplayer Online Role Playing Game, as for map size Million is the only size with "M" in it. 50x 50 maps are good for something other than DBZ. Compared to Finale I'll get Laugh at doing that. If your maps are detailed, they dont have to be massive. Just try 500x500 maps for a while, and if people complain it isnt that hard to combine them into larger maps. |
Okay, that's fine. Do your 12x1000x1000 map. Give me a buzz when you're done, too, because I want to see it.
Go-jin769 wrote:
1. at 50 x 50 i can only have 50 no less about 25 players on a map at a time. with leaves 25 of untouched tiles. Crowed! To be honest, how many games even have 25 players in a single server? With exception of a few DBZ and Naruto games... |
To be honest, how many games even have 25 players in a single server? With exception of a few DBZ and Naruto games... I question considering each DBZ player the equivalent of one regular player. =P |
Jtgibson wrote:
To be honest, how many games even have 25 players in a single server? With exception of a few DBZ and Naruto games... I've seen alot of game that have at least 25 players on a single server. Maybe you should pay more attention. |
Pyro_dragons wrote:
Jtgibson wrote: *moves his palm over top of his head* Whoosh! That went right over your head. ;-) |
I spent several weeks making a nice 250x250x1 map for Ensya. That's just a rough idea of how long it takes to make a nice map. I believe Spuzzum made a nice post about how its better to use many small maps (like 50x50) and link them all together, because it gives the world a feeling of having more depth, and it forces players to focus on the details in a small area instead of disregarding the details in a vast area.