In response to Carved in Shadows
Yeah, but how many towns will there be? If there's only, say, 200 towns and there's a fanbase of 3000+ (I'm just making up these numbers), there will be players left out of the chain because it will be harder to collect money and such.
In response to Dick Gumshoe
well towns arent something you can buy for like $2. They will be extreamly expensive due to the difficulty it is to take them over and the limited number of them. A very small portion of that 3000+ people will have the luxury of trading towns.
don't think large - think small. Start with a basic concept for what you want to go for, jot some ideas down and then kick down all the basic sprites and such. Once you get a small game, then getting a large game is just adding more to that small game... but if you think large, and try to complete a large game right off the bat, you are only going to be discouraged by the sheer amount of work required to make anything good...

Since you're aiming so large as well and you're probably working alone or with very little help, the bigger game you set out to make the bigger chance that you're going to slack off on working on certain aspects just to get it finished.

So stick to small and well made!
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