I have been thinking about this for awhile, but how effective do you think a PVP system would be to were you have to declare the person as your enemy before you could attack them? This system probably has some flaws like all systems do but would this work or would it just get annoying
It'd be pretty good, if the other side had to accept it. It'd prevent people just randomly attacking others, particullary high levels attacking the lower levels. =)
If you're interested in seeing how this system works, go buy Diablo 2. It'll be in the bargain bin. It uses precisely the system you're talking about.
This is a very newbie freindly system. I would recomend adding certain areas, where anyone can attack anyone to go along with it, so that its the best of both worlds. Just make sure anyone walking into the free for all zones knows what they are getting into.
In response to Abra
Abra wrote:
This is a very newbie freindly system. I would recomend adding certain areas, where anyone can attack anyone to go along with it, so that its the best of both worlds. Just make sure anyone walking into the free for all zones knows what they are getting into.

that sounds like runescape... eww

anyways, you should make a system where you can only attack people who are not friendly. Players can be neutral to start with, and they can either become frienly stay neitral, or if they do things that are against you or your guild/alignment, then you can declare an attack, butmonly if they wer the agressor. example, if they attempt to steal from you, then you can just outright attack them. but if you attempt to steal from them they can attack you. after the initial attacks are made, you can just have a free-for-all. I do think you shoild have a few non combat zones, like shops, and places where you dont't want to be bothered at.... just opinions tho..
In response to Blooballz
Blooballz wrote:
Abra wrote:
This is a very newbie freindly system. I would recomend adding certain areas, where anyone can attack anyone to go along with it, so that its the best of both worlds. Just make sure anyone walking into the free for all zones knows what they are getting into.

that sounds like runescape... eww

Too true. See this shiver? That's a runescape (*shiver*) shiver. Ugh, I typed it. brb, got to go wash my hands.
In response to PirateHead
Just because Runescape did something, that doesn't mean that it's automatically bad.

That's like saying that breathing air is evil because Hitler breathed air.

"Hitler never wore a seat belt. You don't want to be like Hitler, do you?"
In response to Crispy
Also World of warcraft PVE servers are like this = /

IMO a pretty successful game...
In response to Abra
World of Warcraft PVE servers are not like this. A play may "flag" themselves by typing /pvp and may attack other flagged players of the opposite side. Also if a non-flagged player attacks a flagged one, they become flagged. If you type /pvp while flagged it notifies you that you must wait 5 minutes in non-hostile territory(or basically not fight) and you will unflag.
In response to Blooballz
That's a cool idea, but I have a better one kinda like it. What if the people can be evil or good, if they killed people their evil rises. if they kill evil monsters, their good rises (or something close to that). Then they can attack opposites, like a evil guy killing a good guy. Plus safe zones of corse. This might even cause wars over terratory. Like the good guys own town 4 and the bad guys own town 6, then the bad guys make an attack and kill (or drive away) the good guys, giving them ownership of the city. Like clan wars or something. Then there would be a town in which only people of that kind are permitted, so for example, the good guys lose all their towns because their lvl 123 warrior is on vacation in hawaii and the bad guys have all their good players, but the good guys still have their home city and is counted as their safe zone. You can even add defenses for the cities that engineers can build and stuff like that to add on. good luck