"Kivi wrote:
> mob/verb
> Bunshin_No_Jutsu()
> set category = "Genjutsu"
> if(usr.CControl >= 101)
> var/CCusage = rand(1,10)
> if(CCusage <= 5)
> usr << "[CCusage]/5 Chakra converted"
> usr.Chakra -= CCusage
> usr.CCTrain += 1
> if(usr.CCTrain == 100)
> usr.CControl -= 1
> usr.CCTrain = 0
> return
> if(CCusage >= 5)
> usr << "[CCusage]/5 Chakra converted"
> usr.Chakra -= CCusage
> view(usr) << "[usr]: Bunshin No Jutsu"
> Createclones()
> if(usr.CControl <= 100) //I changed this to else
> usr << "5/5 Chakra converted"
> usr.Chakra -= 5
> view(usr) << "[usr]: Bunshin No Jutsu"
> Createclones()
It seems like it would work good, although at one point you used another if() statement when an else statement would more than suffice. I don't know if it would be better to use a second if() statement, or if using the else clause, but I have gotten into the habit of using else."
If anyone has any reasoning on why one way would be better than the other, I would like your opinion.
Cleaned it up. And for that piece of code, that if() is reasily replaced by else. No big dreal.