
by AERProductions
Construct your lineage in a living world.
Been fixing and adding some content. The "starting from nothing" process has been the target of a lot of fixing. I added a way to create a fishing pole. Cleaned up fire, forge, lamps and torches (including hand lamps). Added a Stone Axe. Added a way to create a wooden torch lamp. Added hunger and thirst to the game. Finished fixing the season check so it will always set the right seasonal foliage even in off-months.

That's it for now! Until next time, stay aware of your surroundings and stay hydrated.

Don't forget you can help by simply clicking this link below to join the Public Testing server (Note that three of the classes start with nothing, to facilitate testing the "starting from nothing" gameplay.:

[Pondera (OpenTesting-SmallMap)]

Soon I will be putting up an Alpha rough draft Story mode!
Stay tuned to the updates for more info on that.

Join the Pondera Discord server!