I am currently making an isometric game with a friend. We have already had a problem with byond's camera which we will be able to deal with but right now we are having a problem with maping it. We have no idea how we would map it. The only idea I have is pixel offsets which could get messy, so if you know how I could go about mapping this, please tell me. Thanks.

In response to Flame Sage
Theres only one real good demo in there, but that doesnt match what I want. I just want to know how I could go about mapping it. Ill give you a little more info. Basically im using pixel movement for isometric. Im moving like this:

When player presses up - 1 pixel east, 1 pixel northeast and it just keeps repeating that. So would there be any way I could map this other than pixel offsets?

In response to Flame Sage
Except that most games which claim to be isometric, including the demos there that claim to be isometric demos, aren't actually isometric. The "squashed diamond" effect they use there is not isometric.
In response to Loduwijk
Loduwijk wrote:
Except that most games which claim to be isometric, including the demos there that claim to be isometric demos, aren't actually isometric. The "squashed diamond" effect they use there is not isometric.

However, that's what most people mean when they refer to isometric in a game-related graphical sense. It's not a technically correct usage, but it's one used regularly.
In response to Jon88
That is why I bring that fact up every time I see it used. I'm hoping that someday people (or at least the oh-so-smart members of Byond) stop using it that way.
In response to Loduwijk
Loduwijk wrote:
That is why I bring that fact up every time I see it used. I'm hoping that someday people (or at least the oh-so-smart members of Byond) stop using it that way.

I see a long wait and much disappointment in your future...
In response to Flick
Haha, I call it semi-isometric. :P
Its not quite at a 32 degree angle, but its not 0-90-180 either.

Your best bet would have to use "squashed diamond" effect as said. Map everything at 45 degrees-ish and make movment 45 degreee'd (North = Northwest, East = Northeast, etc...)
In response to Loduwijk
Yeah, but I'd rather skip using the actual term and use the one where people would know what you're talking about. Which matters most when people are looking for help. But half the time they only get posts like this with people who aren't going to help but rather are on some self-righteous crusade for proper terminology! Whee! How many people are going know what you mean if you say it's a dimetric projection? You and the other sticklers, I guess. :p
In response to tenkuu
tenkuu wrote:
Yeah, but I'd rather skip using the actual term and use the one where people would know what you're talking about. Which matters most when people are looking for help.

I don't see how adding in a bit of knowledge can hurt anything, or be worse than anything for that matter since it certainly does not get in the way.

But half the time they only get posts like this with people who aren't going to help but rather are on some self-righteous crusade for proper terminology! Whee!

Which, fortunately, is not the case here. If replies hadn't already been made with links to demos, I would have added examples to my post.

How many people are going know what you mean if you say it's a dimetric projection? You and the other sticklers, I guess. :p

I don't know, but since I never use that term I suppose it doesn't matter either. As can be seen in many of my posts, I try to make sure I am being clear so that everything is understandable. If something is not clear or misused, I start off explaining that, then in the next paragraph I get into the "But if you mean this..." so that there is no misunderstanding.
In response to Mechanios
Mechanios wrote:
Haha, I call it semi-isometric. :P
Its not quite at a 32 degree angle, but its not 0-90-180 either.

Your best bet would have to use "squashed diamond" effect as said. Map everything at 45 degrees-ish and make movment 45 degreee'd (North = Northwest, East = Northeast, etc...)

But I want an isometric game, not a semi isometric. I just need help mapping it, how would I put the pieces on the map exc.

In response to ADT_CLONE
You know, i've been looking into this stuff a bit before, how to make a isometric game. Anyways, It's not hard to make it LOOK like its a isometric game. Pixel movement with some tiles that are twise as wide as tall will get you far. Though doing things like this will prevent you from using any build in proc like oview() or whatever because then while it's looking like 2 mobs are on a differend tile they can still be on the same one.

Wat I tried to do was just using a normal map but display it differendly to the player. What i did was just setting the client eye on a seperate Z level and then displaying everything the mob sees on te differend Z level using images. Ofcource making it look isometrical while still keeping all the normal functions BYOND has build in.
Things like walls and terrein heights become a pain in the ass though. Personally i think it's not worth it.

Just wanted to share some view i had, maybe it gives you some new ideas.


In response to ADT_CLONE